

Yesterday I had a little revelation about trust. I don’t know if this will make sense to anyone or not, but I feel like documenting it, so here goes:

I said a prayer yesterday in which I asked God to use me and work through me however He sees fit. Not a new prayer for me, but the next words that came to mind (I tend to pray silently) were “I trust You.” I don’t recall ever saying that before, simply because it hasn’t occurred to me. “Place your trust in God” is a phrase I hear all the time and I think maybe it had become a bit… benign for me. But I prayed those words and they struck me in a new and deeper way. I thought, here I am telling this unknowable, supernatural being, “Yes, I’m willing to have You take me over, willing to be an instrument of Your truly frightening power, because I trust that You won’t hurt me or anyone else in the ways that count; that You will, in fact, enrich my life if I can surrender it.”

Not that I have or ever had any control over how God chooses to use me, but a willingness to relinquish that control, to do things that are the will of someone else is really something in my world. While I try to be respectful toward the authority figures in my life and have learned to say the right words and follow instructions, I confess that I very much resent being told what to do and usually withhold some of myself. But it’s funny – I never realized that I react the same way toward God. 


3 thoughts on “Trust

  1. Wow, you have really blessed me in saying this. I pray similarly and I have been convicted by Him on the subject of trust! At one point when someone else was praying over me He gave them words of knowledge for me revealing this to them and further asked me, through them, to declare my trust of Him. The link between heart and mind, mind and heart . . . Thank you for sharing this. Not sure if it’ll make sense to others, but it sure spoke to me! He has placed this on my heart today and having just finished some reading on the journey with Him, I decided to check my blog and found my way to yours . . . I think He planned it that way!

  2. It makes sense to me! I too thought that I was trusting God but realized that I had not fully given my will or my desires for my life over to Him.It wasn’t until I fully gave up everything to Him that I began to experience true peace and happiness. That is not to say that hard times have passed me by but now that I’ve firmly placed my hand, my will, my all in His hands and under His control I know with out a doubt that all will be well – how could it not since I’m now in His will. Thank you for sharing this, it is a blessing indeed and much needed!

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